A feeling of serenity emanates from the remarkable sculptures created by Lloyd Whannell, who creates primarily in stone, but also casts his work in glass and bronze.
No Fear
travertine with limestone base 61" tall
"I've been working in stone for about 18 years," Whannell said. "My current figurative work involves two tall figure series called 'Silent Watchers' and 'Silent Moments.' Both draw inspiration from a third century B.C. Etruscan bronze figurine called 'Ombra della Sera' or 'Shadow of the Evening,'" he added.
This series of tall, thin figures exudes a serenity and peacefulness that the artist said he wished to express in the work. They strive to reflect an inner silence, while maintaining a presence of outward awareness.
To purchase or inquire about Lloyd Whannels sculptures,
please contact the gallery at 800/858-5063.
Silent Watcher
Silent Moment
mahogany, glass, steel
Silent Moment
travertine, glass
There have been a number of stone-only sculptures in the “Silent Watcher” series, along with the artist's recent method of combining unique, one-of-a-kind stone bodies with limited-edition bronze heads. This combination of stone and bronze also continues in the “Silent Words” series. Each piece lays the groundwork for the next variation of the series.
"I am also exploring a smaller version of these tall, thin figures, with stone and wood bodies, and cast glass heads," Whannell said.
Whannell makes his work at the Freeland Art Studio on Whidbey Island where he shares sculpting space with six other island artists.
Silent Moment
black granite
Silent Watcher
Silent Watcher
Granite wash basin
Granite Bud vase
Marble Bud Vase
Granite and fir bench and sculptures during Lloyd's show with painter Kathleen Frugé-Brown, September 2013